
The pub with no lunch

Nine walking stalwarts left their meeting point at a Caterham tea shop at 11.30 on October 19, intent on having lunch at the Harrow in Caterham.  The walkers were following lock-down guidelines  governing walking activities, and also arrived at the Harrow in separate groups of six (now including Ted Mouat) and four. 

The hungry nine at Chaldon 

But the Harrow guvnor refused to serve us on the grounds that we were really one composite group of ten, rather than two groups.  In vain did we offer to sit on opposite sites of the garden; he would not be budged and even mentioned the police.  He did look excited when the group of four offered to move on and allow the group of six to eat; but the group of six gallantly displayed their solidarity with the group of four and followed them out of the pub. 

The walkers posed for a photo at Chaldon church, and here are some more photos from the walk.




And on December 3, a group of stalwarts walked a mile or so from the Feathers in Merstham to conduct a ditties session in an unsalubrious location under the M23 (pictured above).  It was cold and raining but the group was undaunted, as the photograph shows.  They repaired to the Feathers where each of the eight singers was allocated their own table in the spacious dining room.  Sadly this occasion marked only a brief respite in the lockdown and the choir's outdoor activities.