Become a patron and help the choir
Our patrons bring us vital support in providing enjoyment for our audiences and raising thousands of pounds for a wide range of local and national charities. The costs, which we feel are very reasonable, are set out below. As well as the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping the choir in a very important way, you will also be entitled to a complimentary ticket to the annual summer concert, one of the highlights of the performing year. Contact details for our patrons' office are below. He would be delighted to hear from you.
How to become a Patron
Please contact our Patrons' Officer, George Taylor, 38 Paul Gardens, Radcliffe Road, Croydon CR0 5QL. Phone 020 8681 0868, 07736 720100 Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Here are the costs:
Single annual membership £30 Single life membership £240
Joint annual membership £50 Joint life membership £400
Ask about corporate sponsorship too. We have packages offering excellent promotional opportunities and you associate your name with the brilliant Croydon MVC brand!